Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Picked Last in Gym Class - NFL

In the modern day NFL you always hear about character, a guy didn't go in the first round due to character, a guy got traded because of character. Rather than string you along I will get to my point, does talent trump character ? Mike Vick got another chance in Philly and became more beloved in one year under center than Donovan Mcnabb ever was during his hall of fame career there. With Plaxico Burress on the market, will teams swoon to sign the big play receiver ? Last season we saw two of the best receivers in the history of the sport take a massive hit to their value based solely on the way they act rather than the production they show on the field. Terrel Owens had to wait an entire off season before the Bengals ponied up to give the Brash wideout a chance. The result of that experiment was a great statistical season for T.O. and another losing season for Bengals. Randy Moss too was in the bad attitude club, and the Pats decided to trade him early in the year rather than tolerate it. The result Pats made the playoffs and both teams Moss played for did not. This is a far cry from the old motto of professional sports where clubs would tolerate tirades and total bull shit from ego maniac star players but not in these times. Is the old adage correct, Does a bad apple spoil the whole bunch ? I guess there is no conclusive answer to this question, all I know is that many teams would take inferior talent with high character over uber talent with question marks.
( I want to know what you think, please leave comments, good , bad, ugly)


  1. I hope Plex goes somewhere really so I can trade him for something good in my FF league lol.

  2. I'd be surprised if he didnt end up with either the Jets, Raiders, Bengals, or Cowboys (insurance for Dez Bryant in case he continues to pursue being hood rich rather than regular rich)...
