Wednesday, June 8, 2011

NCAA Football - Everything comes to the light

With the recent scandal at Ohio State and USC being stripped of its best years during the Pete Carrol Era this week one has to wonder what the hell is going on with college football? I am not saying this SMU of the 1980's but coaches and players have to know with this being the golden age for the media blowing things completely out of the water and the NCAA spending more money on trying to catch somebody in the wrong, players and coaches margin for error is razor thin. Its actually kind of annoying. These investigations take up so much time and money that by the time they actually charge someone with something most of the parties involved have gone on about their lives. Really, what good came from taking away Reggie Bush's Heisman Trophy after he had already made millions and helped the Saints win a Superbowl? What moral objective was corrected by removing the USC teams accomplishments from the record books,? Is college basketball such a greater place by alienating the Michigan Fab 5 ( fan favorites) from the record books? I think its completely preposterous! Should the players have to mail in their rings? Does the Oklahoma team that got their asses kicked all over the field by USC in 2004 get to take the place of USC in the record books ? NOPE. Maybe the NCAA should go back and investigate every roster for every Nat'l champion over the last 70 years and see if some kid got taken out to dinner or if a booster gave someone a cash envelope or to see if Charlie Ward signed any autographs for anyone in Tallahassee. I believe its total bull shit, amateur athletics are always going to have someone trying to get something. When you are talented and under compensated like every single one of these kids are, then you are going to get what you can while you are hot commodity. Everyone knows the vast majority of these players will never sign a pro contract and once they graduate or are no longer a student athlete and relevant on the sports scene they can sell their memorabilia and sign autographs without any ramifications. Why are the Universities able to pimp out 18 and 19 year old kids and make 100's of millions of dollars a year, but a kid cant go out to dinner or sell his own autograph for profit ? The media and Universities are the ones that make these student athletes god-like in the minds of many, but are the first ones to run the kids through the dirt with public allegations and FBI like investigations. The total Hypocrisy in college athletics makes me fucking sick to my stomach. People can say what they want about the purity of the game, but the bottom line is that times have changed. I'm sorry but when Roger Staubach was playing QB the Universities were not making money like Microsoft. Pay these kids a fair wage, or leave them alone. Look for a follow up article in 2017 when Cam Newton sends back his Heisman and Auburn is stripped of its title, all the fans don't rip the tags off of your title shirts and hats, tell sports illustrated to shred the commemorative issues. What a shame.

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